Module 0 - initial setup


This environment is currently available for F5 employees only

Determine how to start your deployment:

  • Official Events (ISC, SSE Summits): Please follow the instructions given by your instructor to join the UDF Course.
  • Self-Paced/On Your Own: Login to UDF, Deploy the Security Lab: DevSecOps Blueprint and Start it.

1. Connecting to the Environment

To connect to the lab environment we will use SSH to the jumphost.

SSH key has to be configured in UDF in order to access the jumphost.

The lab environment provides several access methods to the Jumphost:

  • SSH to the linux host
  • HTTP Access to Jenkins (only available after you start the lab)

1.1 Connect using SSH to the RS-CONTAINER

  1. In UDF navigate to the Deployments
  2. Click the Details button for your DevSecOps Deployment
  3. Click the Components tab
  4. Find the Linux Jumphost Component and click the the ACCESS button.
  5. use your favorite SSH client to connect to RS-CONTAINER using your UDF private key. username is root

1.2 Configure the rs-container

The entire lab is built from code hosted in this repo, the container that you are connecting to runs on the linux host and is publicly available. to run the deployments you need to configure it with personal information and credentials.

1.3 Configure credentials and personal information

1.3.1 Copy ssh key, aws credentials and global parameters file

the SSH key will be used when creating EC2 instances. we will store them in the Jenkins SSH folder so that Jenkins can use them to access instances.

Copy credentials and parameters files from the host folder using the following script:


1.3.2 Edit the global parameters file with your personal information

  • Edit the encrypted global parameters file /home/snops/f5-rs-global-vars-vault.yaml by typing:
ansible-vault edit --vault-password-file /var/jenkins_home/.vault_pass.txt /home/snops/f5-rs-global-vars-vault.yaml
  • Once in edit mode - type i to activate INSERT mode and configure your personal information by changing the following variables: vault_dac_user, vault_dac_email and vault_dac_password
  • Use your student# from Teams for vault_dac_user - used as a Tenant ID to differentiate between multiple deployments
  • Choose your own (secure) value for vault_dac_password - ** this is the password for the admin user of the BIG-IP **
  • There are a number of special characters that you should avoid using in passwords for F5 products. See for details

For example:

vault_dac_user: "student01" // username IS case sensitive
vault_dac_email: ""
vault_dac_password: "Sup3rsecur3Passw0rd1"
  • Press the ESC key and save the file by typing: :wq

1.3.3 Configure Jenkins and reload it

Run the following command to configure jenkins with your personal information and reload it:

ansible-playbook --vault-password-file /var/jenkins_home/.vault_pass.txt /home/snops/f5-rs-jenkins/playbooks/jenkins_config.yaml